How do you know if you need to RELAX your pelvic floor muscles??
🔳 You have painful periods.
🔳 You have a difficult time initiating your urine stream.
🔳 You are "pushing" pee out.
🔳 You are constipated and often straining with BMs.
🔳 You are having multiple BMs within 1-2 hours.
🔳 You experience pain or ache with sex (or after sex).
🔳 Leaking urine or stool with exercise/activity or at rest.
🔳 You have painful fibroids.
🔳 You are having a difficult time returning to exercise after having a baby, injury, or surgery.
🔳 You have been doing 100+ Kegels a day (or any other pelvic floor exercise) with no change in your symptoms

Some helpful hints on how to RELAX your pelvic floor:
◽️Open your mouth and relax your jaw.
◽️Speak in a slow, deep voice.
◽️Breathe with your diaphragm not your belly.
◽️Relax your belly (don't suck it in).
◽️Increase hip flexibility & mobility.
◽️Stop clenching your glutes.
◽️Soften your abs.
Muscles throughout our body need to both flex & lengthen.
Optimizing your pelvic floor muscles includes ensuring that it moves throughout its normal motion, teams up with the other deep core muscles, and turns on/off according to how you are moving and what you are doing.
Kegels/vaginal weights/fancy machines/lasers are only needed if that is what YOUR pelvic floor needs and often will make your symptoms worse...I promise! 🤞